Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Having Fun With My Characters


I freely admit it:  I'm cracking up. 

Caileen and Aine are covered with mud (from throwing it at each other) and laughing like loons. 

Little Merri is up in a tree with her grandmother, and Danann is showing off his muscles. 

Talorc and Mamm are observing everything and getting a little worried (imagine that).

Me, I'm just along for the ride here. 

God only knows what Kalann and Sass might be up to. 

At least I can count on Alianora and Drustann  to be normal.  I hope. 

These are some of the characters who populate the imaginary setting of the book I'm supposed to be working on.

In reality, it's just a hoot for me to get to watch them and listen to them.  

Well no, it's not ALL going to be a hoot, because stuff happens - but for right now, this part is just plain all out fun.

Here are some rough (and I mean VERY ROUGH) initial sketches for some of them from the first scene.  Please don't think that I'm anywhere near done with them because I most definitely am NOT - but here are some of the seed drawings from which (hopefully) real pictures will grow into existence.  If not, well I still have that wood stove.


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