Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Portraits From Photos

Most of the below are either rough pencil sketches or experimental ... just so you know ... only the first two shown here, and the last one, are actually anywhere near 'finished'.  

This is my mom, from a photo she gave me of when she was younger.  It's pencil on canvas with acrylic.

This is my daughter Sarah, using a photo that had her with a couple of other people.  Pencil on canvas, which turns out a lot better than other combinations I've tried ... 

This is me, from a photo I took to use as a character in a story.  Pencil on paper.

My daughter Helen, from a photo where her face was about the size of my thumbnail.  Pencil on paper.

This is from another of my mom's old photos that had only head and part of her torso - I added the rest of her and put her on a horse.  Pencil on paper.

This is Steve, my once-husband, from an old photo.  I took his shirt off, made his hair longer, changed the pants, and added the short sword.  Pencil on paper.

Here's my mom again, at least her face which is all that was in the photo - the rest is added for a character in that same story.  Pencil on paper.

Here she is again, the face from an old photo, a younger version of the story character.  Pencil on paper.

My daughter Heather, from a photo of her and other people - again, her face in the photo was about the size of my thumbnail.  Pencil on paper.  I'll take an eraser to it and lighten it up, but wanted all of this first.

My daughters Tess and Heather, from a group photo, but I added the mud and Heather's hair is not blonde.  Pencil on paper, then Prismacolor pencils.

My grand-daughter from a photo I took of her up a tree.  Pencil on paper with Prismacolor again.

Myself, again a sketch for possible use in that story.  Pencil on paper.

Ditto above.

My daughter Sarah from a blurry photo.

Sarah again.

Me again, for the story.

My mom, from a photo.  Pencil on acrylic-coated fabric.

Me again, for that same story.  It's my second try at people-drawing. Pencil on acrylic-coated fabric.

Very first experimental attempt at people-drawing, this is me again, for that story.  For this one I used a pencil sketch, pastels (face), and acrylics on acrylic-coated fabric.

Another of the very first attempts - the character refused to cooperate so his resemblance to my once-husband Steve is minimal.  Pencil on acrylic-coated fabric.

My son-in-law Casey from a photo I took some years ago.  This one is only a light pencil first sketch on acrylic-coated fabric..

My daughter Sarah again.  Pencil on acrylic-coated fabric.

Sarah once more, for use in the story.  It's the above pencil sketch finished with pastels.

I have scads of other sketches done from photos, but they're not of actual 'people' being almost entirely rendered from photos of ancient Greek/Roman statuary and put together in sketches for that story.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Having Fun With My Characters


I freely admit it:  I'm cracking up. 

Caileen and Aine are covered with mud (from throwing it at each other) and laughing like loons. 

Little Merri is up in a tree with her grandmother, and Danann is showing off his muscles. 

Talorc and Mamm are observing everything and getting a little worried (imagine that).

Me, I'm just along for the ride here. 

God only knows what Kalann and Sass might be up to. 

At least I can count on Alianora and Drustann  to be normal.  I hope. 

These are some of the characters who populate the imaginary setting of the book I'm supposed to be working on.

In reality, it's just a hoot for me to get to watch them and listen to them.  

Well no, it's not ALL going to be a hoot, because stuff happens - but for right now, this part is just plain all out fun.

Here are some rough (and I mean VERY ROUGH) initial sketches for some of them from the first scene.  Please don't think that I'm anywhere near done with them because I most definitely am NOT - but here are some of the seed drawings from which (hopefully) real pictures will grow into existence.  If not, well I still have that wood stove.


Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Having an upgrade in equipment to use in the creation of the artwork part of my newest project is going to make a HUGE difference! 

I have to admit I'm slightly in awe, intensely grateful, anxious to put it to use, and half scared to death about what it could end up meaning in terms of the quality of the work I'll be able to produce IF I can get MY end of the deal right. 

I find myself hesitating to put pencil to canvas for this rough sketch - it's like a magical moment, and I'm afraid I might be too shaky from sheer excitement and end up messing it up totally with the first pencil mark. 


Actually, that isn't likely to happen. 

What's MUCH more likely to happen is that I'll begin with that first pencil mark and just keep going until the sun comes up in the morning. 

Since I have two work shifts before I have any more days off, and a trip to Minnesota to make immediately following those two work shifts, my safest course of action would be to get some of my newest acquisitions put away and hie myself to bed for a good night's sleep - and forget all about this upgrade until I can use it without fretting about anything else in the back of my mind. 

Oh, but what a challenge THAT is. 

Not sure I can resist the temptation. 

Wait until you see what a difference it makes!  THEN you'll understand!!! 

More later.  Right now I have design work to do. 

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Family Portrait Rough Sketch - 2 - Sass

Okay, I admit it.  I might be getting a little nervous here. 
This looks like it might actually end up looking a little like Sass. 
The ones I screwed up didn't make me anywhere near as nervous as the one that might turn out right. 
Pray for me. 
She will get a dark background and dark hair framing  her face, and a few bits of fine tuning here and there ... but ... it's almost finished.

 Slow but sure - we're getting there!

Family Portraits: Rough Sketch: First Of Many