Here's a sampling of some of my work that may be showing up in my sister's shop:
My sister has opened up a small shop called 'Close to Home' at the edge of our little town, and some of my artwork will be finding a home there.
Right now it's mostly a binder of rough cut small peices done over the course of the years and tucked away just because I wanted to keep them.
A couple of bigger pieces, the Wolf and Raven silhouette and my Carnival Life, are there as well.
I had a very few cedar shake skyscape/silhouette pieces but they need finishing up work so they're home with me.
Also still at home with me but slated for development are lots of photos. They will be used in any number of ways: postcards, greeting cards, prints of different sizes, posters, backgrounds for personal silhouettes, etc. I've gotten most of the photos sorted out according to general location (i.e. Dakota, Minnesota, Colorado) and have chosen groupings within those categories as well, so there's been at least a LITTLE progress on that front!
As the seasons will be changing (as they always do in this neck of the non-woods) there will be new photos to add to the collection, and new directions for the developments to take. I'm looking forward to working on the seasonal projects!